What's goin on everybody? Long time no talk..So leme update you guys on what's been goin on in HeartlessMarc's world. First things first, I am still waiting for the new audio recording program "Cakewalk" to arrive. For those of you who have been stuck in a cave and havent heard, my current audio recording program sux therefore I havent been able to crank out the hits you guys crave. LOL no I did not retire and no, I did not run outta things to rap about. Are you kidding me?!? I'm more excited to hear my future songs than you guys are!! lol..Anyway besdides that I've jus been finishing up summer classes (which are the devil's gift to students) and working intensely(LOL) with my SDL family on making hot beats for you guys. Well be on the lookout for more music soon (I hope) and make sure you check here for updates daily!!!
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