This is honestly gonna be one of the most excited you'll ever see me in a blog post. You may be wondering why I have a picture of the liberty bell above. Well as you all know the liberty bell is located in Philadelphia..so.... guess what?!? Im moving to Philly!! lol
I know I put alotta reflective blog posts up and alotta posts about seizing opportunity and "living your life" to the fullest well guess what..I'm actually following my own advice. I realized that I can't live without Brooke and there's no way I wanna let anymore time go by without having my love by my side. Brooke and I have been discussing moving in with each other for quite some time now and we decided that April 15th is the date!! Since we're moving in with each other I decided we may as well make this as "official" as possible....
We're engaged!! Of course we're not getting married anytime "soon" so to speak but, we are both ready to start our lives together! Love truly does conquer all.
I love you with all my heart Brooke and I can't wait for us to embark on our journey through life together!!

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