Have you ever just stopped what you were doing and taken time to get in touch with yourself? No..not like that you pervs...I mean really sit alone in a room or wherever you may be and close your eyes and "Wander" in your own skin?
I honestly don't know if one would consider this to be a form of meditation or not but, I have a little thing I like to do every once in a while when I find myself stressed or alone. Ever since we were born we all as human beings have a thirst for knowledge and discovery. No child ever exhibits a desire to be ignorant. Newborn children are always staring at things, grabbing things and putting things in their mouths because, that is their own way of making sense out of this complex world they were thrust into. As we grow older some of us continue to pursue knowledge at a rapid pace while others of us become a little more content with of place in the universe. Though the desire for knowledge never dies entirely, we may simply partially extinguish the figurative "flame".
One thing I've come to realize which eventually lead to my "self-awareness" moments, was the fact that as human beings we all have bodies yet we really don't know much about them. It amazed me when I sat here and thought to myself "my soul has been in this body for 20 years yet, I feel as though I don't know exactly how it works". It baffles me how people can't want to know how everything around them works yet most of us barely have a clue as to how we ourselves "work". I mean yes, we know certain things. We know about white blood cells and how to go to the bathroom and how to have sex and blah blah blah....but there is a infinite amount of things that our complex bodies do without us even knowing.
The "meditation" practice that I find myself doing from time to time is actually quite simply. I will sit alone in a quiet room with my eyes closed and take slow and deep breaths, breathing in and out of my mouth. As I sit breathing I will take my hands and touch different areas on my face, throat, chest and stomach and feel ever movement made by my body. Like I said this isn't masturbation, I'm not tryna get "off" lmao...but, it is me tryna "see" the factory inside of my body working as it does the most common function that any human body does...Breathe.
Breathing is simple, complex and vital all at the same time. This amazes me. If you ever have some free time I encourage you to simply slow down and take a look inside yourself. It is a very relaxing and sometimes enlightening experience.