Hey guys long time no see i know, i know. Well I promise you I have a "juicy" blog post for you guys so read on! As you may remember (or you can just scroll down) last time I wrote on here I told you guys that I was preparing for a big audition at my agency. Well I was a little confused on the details of said audition and unintentionally gave you guys some false information. I told you guys that I would be auditioning at my agency in front of a few agents from different places including L.A. Well that wasn't quite true. Instead I came to find out I was auditioning in front of the three talent evaluators of my agency for a chance to be selected to represent our agency IN L.A for a huge convention and perform in front of thousands of agents from across the globe, literally...see my mistake? lol needless to say I was nervous..
Lemme start at the beginning. My appointment was scheduled for 2pm. this past Sunday (superbowl sunday). So naturally, I spent the entire time from 10-11:30 tryna figure out what I'm gonna wear. Finally I decided on a burgundy top, black pants, brown shoes and a tie that had all three colors. Trust me it looked alot better than it sounds. I arrive at the office and pull into my space next to a car with a 22ish year old guy in it smoking, I'm assuming he's waiting for his girlfriend to finish her audition but who cares. Naturally tho, I tend to blast music when I'm nervous or upset so when I pulled in I just so happened to be blasting "Sexy Bitch".
Coming off as a arrogant douchebag: check.
I walk inside to a packed reception room. It looked like one of those Texas beauty pageants. There were kids with dresses and heels all over. Well maybe only 6 but it felt like more. Needless to say between the big hair and high heels it was a pedophiles trip to "heaven" but, I digress. I also noticed that there were about 6 or 7 hopefuls that were closer to my age sitting in their chairs staring in to space. "Hey Marc!!" yells Matthew, the gay guy who works in the office but, is a BEAST with makeup and styling, trust me. This guy has styled numerous celebs, he knows his shit. "You look good today!" I smile, gay guy or woman if someone tells me I look good I'll take it. I check in with Diana and sit down next to a 12 year old and her father. You know how when you're at a restaurant or anywhere in public and no matter how hard you try NOT to listen you still hear their pointless conversation? Well that happened. This little girl was a cocky little brat too. Hope it works for her.
For the 20 minutes I sat there waiting I think I read the same poster 10 times and I think looked at my phone 15 times without actually texting anyone. We were all waiting for the noon auditions to end so we could go to the audition room. My agency was holding these auditions for their students and for people "off the street" who thought they had what it takes. The auditions were held all weekend long so I knew since it was sunday the judges would be tired of the bullshit...great. Finally Diana gets up and tells us to follow her down the hallway to the audition room. This room is rather big and the first thing you notice is the runway. Oh, how I hate that thing. I've tripped and stumbled on that thing in class more times than I can count. I stared it down as we walked in, I guess it was my way of trying to "punk" an inanimate object.
Diana told us to all have a seat and the judges would be in shortly. She put on a DVD and told us to watch it as she left the room. At THIS moment I finally realized what was going on. We watched a video on an event called the IMTA. International Model and Talent Association. This event is held every year in either New York or L.A. it's a huge event that hosts contestants and talent seekers from all over the globe. Don't believe me?
check it out. This event is an outstanding way to come in contact with the industry's who's who and to immediately launch you career. Some successful participants? Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Biel, Katie Holmes, Sean William Scott..just to name a few. Along with the IMTA we also learned about the IPAC. International Performing Arts Conference. Which is very similar to the IMTA except it is smaller scaled and more "Exclusive". This is what we were auditioning for. The IPAC event being held in L.A this coming June. This little "News Flash" smacked me across the face. I was extremely nervous now.
After the video the judges walk in and sit down at the table which is positioned at the end of the runway. There are three judges and they consist of Matthew (the stylist/ talent booker), Anthony (Talent booker) and Susan (The director of Stone Modeling). It had a real "American Idol" feel to it. We go up there do a runway walk, read a commercial script, answer some questions and then the judges eventually tell us if we're going to Hollywood or not. *gulp
Susan starts off by welcoming all of us for coming (some of us for coming for a second or third year to try out, ouch) and tells us what the judges want to see. She wishes us all good luck and calls up the first person.
The first one to be called just so happened to be the cocky 12 year old I sat next to. she walks to the stage and Matthew starts the music. "Candyman" by Christina Aguilera, lol. The little girl almost runs through her walk and show little to no technique...atta girl pumpkin, you show those judges! sarcasm. When she is finished she reads a Goldfish crackers script repeatedly stumbling over the words Pepperidge Farm. It is at THIS moment when I see her on stage with her arm visibly shaking, that I manage to swallow my nerves and actually become "excited" and ready to show the judges my stuff. The judges are nice to her and bid her on her way. After our auditions we are supposed to schedule a follow-up meeting within 48 hrs. This follow-up is a one on one in which the judges tell us how they really feel. How delightful.
Next one of those "theater" type kids gets called on. She says she's 15 but she looks way too young for the bright red lipstick she's wearing. Her walk is "okay". She had poor technique but she did walk with attitude. Always a plus. She did a good job reading her M&M's script and then sang a musical number. It wasn't half bad either.
Next I'm called upon. Well that was a shocker. Seeing as I was one of the last ones to arrive, I didnt expect to be called so soon. Reguardless, I was ready to kill this shit. I walk to the stage and take a deep breath and wait for "Cadyman" to start playing. I walk across the stage smoothly with a smile and nail those damned pivots that cost me that Bridal show. I walk down the runway with attitude and get to the end of it flashing my pearly (off-colored) whites. *Everyone claps*
That was a nice surprise. I then read a Red Bull script with ease surprisingly without stumbling or ignoring any punctuation. Now I'm asked questions.
Marc do you sing or dance? I sing in the shower and I dance at clubs. -the judges laugh
Do you have abs? Not all 6 of them. - they laugh again and appreciate the honesty
Are you nervous? Yes ma'am.
Well you aren't showing it.. Well honestly, I feel that I need to show confidence in myself no matter how nervous I am. Since I figure that if I can't show you guys that I'm confident in myself then, there's no way I should expect you to be confident in me to represent us in L.A. - they liked that answer
I thank them for there time and head back to the office to make my follow up appointment with Diana. Monday (the next day) at 4, see you then.
I come back Monday anxious to hear the final verdict. A woman named Victoria greets me and takes me into her office. She closes the door and sits down. I'm sitting here waiting for the follow up interview to begin and while I'm thinking of answers to potential question in my head, she interrupts my thought process by saying "They loved you, they want you to go". I had to do a quick double take and I'm sure I looked at her funny. She finally smiles like a big secret has been let out and she says "Congratulations!". I'm not used to good news so quite frankly, I dont know how to react. I just say "That's great". Long story short we sit there and she tells me how I will need to stop taking the classes I currently am and move to a specified class that will prepare me and the 10 other selected representatives for our trip to the conference.
Good news right I'm going to L.A to potentially get discovered!!!!!!
not so fast..
This won't be free. Like everything in life it comes at a price and the biggest obstacle here is the fact that I need to somehow muster up $1,000 by Saturday. are you kidding me?! Talk about short notice. This is a big step towards my dream though and my future. I'm gonna have to make some sacrifice but there's no way I'm gonna let this opportunity pass me up..
Well I've been sitting here typing for hours now and I need to get movin. I'll be back later tonite to give you guys more details and videos in part 2