Well, the title kinda explains it all folks. I'm tryna stay consistent with this whole blogging thing but at the same I feel as thought I shouldn't be taking the "Easy way out" by simply putting up youtube videos for you guys. This is where reader interaction really comes into play! You guys feel the need to come back and check up on things so it only makes sense that you guys provide me with some suggestion of what you wanna see! Oh well moving along, what you see pictured above is not your everyday super hero or caped crusader. Actually, she's not a super being at all, it's my adorable (and strange) girlfriend Brooke.
While I could just post pictures of her all day just for fun, there's actually reasoning behind this Brooke sighting. Just a reminder that she will be coming to visit this coming friday and will be staying in town until sunday. Yup that's right so if you wanna see the wonderful woman who keeps this guy sane and motivated here's you FIRST chance. Feel free to suggest something at anytime. Brooke wants to see each and every one of you...seriously :) . I only ask that you give us Saturday morning and afternoon as alone time seeing as we couldn't celebrate the "regular" Valentine's day and we'll instead celebrate then. lol call us corny but we wanna get dinner and have a "date".
Besides the Brooke news there isn't really much else on my mind (can you blame me?). All I can say is there are good things on the horizon. I'm trying my hardest not to count my chickens before they hatch or to "tease" you guys too much but let's just say I have a lot of Modeling/Acting oppurtunites on the horizon and "HeartlessMARC" (no he's not dead!) may be coming back to the music world way sooner than previously expected.
Stay tuned and keep reading.....and gimmie some DAMN FEEDBACK!
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