Well well well, look who decided to show up! Yea I know I havent been on here in a while but, I'm gonna try to reverse that trend and get back into it.Hmm so I guess I should update you guys on a few things. First thing's first, as you guys may or may not remember I put up a blog post not too long ago about my girlfriend Brooke coming to Cleveland this weekend and you guys getting a chance to meet her. Well forget I said that. Unfortunately a family issue came and she needs to be home this weekend so that means no visit from my baby :( . On a bright note tho, she will be coming to visit the weekend of the 19th. 2 weekends from now. That's good for the fact that I get to figure out more fun ish for us to get into lol.
Hmmm what else? Oh yea, it seems that this Sunday my agency is having a big showcase for some talent agents and I'm scheduled to perform a monologue, commercial script and runway walk. How exciting... This is a pretty big deal for me because, not only is it a chance for myself to be scheduled for work but, it is also a chance for me to show my agency how much I've learned so far in class and that I;m a capable and dependable client. So I'll keep you posted as far as what happens with that!
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