"Are you serious?", "You're making a mistake", "When you stop it is SO hard to ever go back", "What did your parents say?!?!?!"
I got these questions alot over the last few days. I felt like an athlete being bombarded by news crews and interviewers who all thought they were giving me "original" advice. I appreciate love I really do however, it's a done deal now. For those of you who are unaware due to missing my previous post on the topic or due to your inability to take obvious hints, I have decided to cease going to college.
Dramatic Pause
Now that that's out of the way I guess I'll answer the simple question "Why?". Hmmm well I'll try to explain it as best I can with my typing-impaired fingers. At this point of my life I feel like I want to start "living". I've been a student for most of my life. I feel as though I go through this "cycle of expectations"..What I mean by that is I feel as though at every stage of my life there are these certain "expectations" that have been conjured up for me to meet in order to have the "best life possible" or to "reach my potential" as they say..
While I know that as the times are changing and society moves forward education is becoming more and more essential to making a good living..DUHHHH lol
I understand that but, i feel as though I want to try something a lil different. I mean hey, I could die 2 months, weeks, hell...2 minutes from now....When I die do I want to say I lived how I wished to or do I want to say I did what was the "norm" and was expected of me even though it didnt feel exactly right for me.. It's a debate, I held it and the "live life how I want to" side won.
Still not a good enough explanation for you? Leme put it this way, college in no way is "cheap". It is not a place for me to go into year after year saying I'm not sure what I want to be yet. Everyone asks "what do you wanna be?"..I tend to say "happy"..People chuckle and reply "Well go get that degree, a wife and a good job and you'll be happy!!"..nope..maybe that'd make them happy but not me. Whatever God has in store for me who knows..but who's to say the path HAS to go through college? And even if it does, there is no implication that that path is ready to be travelled yet. Time will tell. and I'll keep my eyes and heart open.
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