Alrite I'm gonna try out this new thing where I spend a few moments of my time before bed to reflect on the day and any lessons I may have learned. We'll see how long this lil tradition lasts lol. Well anyway today I learned a few things. Though it was a relatively uneventful day I still feel as though my character grew a lil. One change I noticed in myself was my reaction to gettin played. My ex today shot down my invitation to chill and get ice cream (on a friendly basis) and did it in a manner that inconvienced my self and other people i had made plans with..Uh OH so what do I do?!? Well normal marc would have let the F@*% YOU's fly but instead I merely shrugged it off as minor insignifigant wrinkle in my day..AMAZING..I actually let something go..sounds like somebody's changing for the better..and actually learning how to let go....BUt that's another story....
Anyway along with that I also learned a lesson about self doubt. Today there was an instance in which I wanted with every part of my existance to say something to a particular person but held back out of timidness...Are you f@*&kin serious?!?...well yea I am.. Hey you win some you lose some. Well what now?...Well seeing as I never go to bed before 3am anymore I guess I'll jus lurk on facebook, tweet to my followers who dont give a shit, maybe talk to somebody who seems to brighten my days :), or watch Will and Grace till I start feelin homo...hmm prolly not the last one...Alrite then..night night people..sweet dreams

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