Hey guys sorry I didnt write a goodnight/reflection post last night. I didnt get home til about 3:30 am and believe it or not, I actually went to sleep! haha So lemme see lemme see. Well yeseterday was an interesting day. It started off very mundane and I jus did some lauundry, nothing exciting right? Well that was true until my so-called music "partner" texted (not called) me and ask for the microphone and stand from our studio and said "he had songs he needed to do". Now there's nothing wrong with this I understand someone wanting to get something done and by no means do I want to stop someone from getting something accomplished
Enter the shady part...
So I suggest that it'd probably just be better for us to have seperate studios anyway so we don't have to stay over each other's houses to get stuff done yadamean...BUT before I can even text back to suggest this a female friend of his that was supposed to hang out with us last night texts me and tells me that he told her we had "beef" with each other and a "falling-out" so we wouldnt be hanging out tonite..WORD?!? Either this chick is a fourtune teller or somethin shady is goin on here.
So to make a long story short, we decide we are jus gonna go seperate ways and split up the studio. I remind you that all of this happens out of the blue THROUGH TEXTS..So later on when I go to hang out with some more of my friends I hear from one that my ex-music "partner" was talkin greasey about me. REALLY?!? thas how you feel dog after I let you stay in my house days on end, giving you food and driving you places? It's whatever though. Point of the story that SDL mixtape I told you about won't be released on this blog since im no longer affiliated with that group, label, whatever you wanna call it.
Now that that's out the way...I had fun with my peeps last night and today my cousin from South Carolina is coming to visit and Im lightweight excited. I'm livin life and waitin for my dude Scotty P to get back from Spain so we can get you this Cleveland2Chicago mixtape you've been waitin for! Hit me up peeps if ur tryna get into somethin today..holla at u guys later :)
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