I'd like to think of myself as a generally easy-going, nice person. I'm highly tolerate of many things that I hear and see in my daily encounters with people. That being said there are only a few things that really piss me off. For example men who hit/molest women and children, racist people (against any race), people who "gay bash" etc... Another thing that I really hate is when people mistreat others because they believe they are superior and laugh at people who are less fortunate.
I live in the city of Cleveland one of the poorest cities in the nation, we all know this. When I say I live in Cleveland I mean I live in the fuckin city of Cleveland, not the heights, not a suburb the actual city. Many people say that this city sucks blah blah blah..Some of it may be true who gives a shit. I can tell you one good thing about it tho. This city and my neighborhood gave me an appreciation for things and an understanding for why some people are as unfortunate as they are. I do not LAUGH at homeless people. I do not LAUGH at people who suffer from schizophrenia. Those things are not funny.
Why in the world would I make fun of someone who is "poor"? For christ sake compared to the kids I went to high school with I would be considered "poor". There's nothing funny about people who do not have homes or are tormented by "voices" that they hear.
"Well it's their fault that they're poor", "Stupid crack heads, get jobs"....These are the type of insensitive responses that really piss me off. What does this show? IGNORANCE
Honestly I dont know who to feel sorrier for, the kids who can't live without the latest blackberry/ i phone, or the kids on my block who cuss their parents out and run the streets at the age of 7. I volunteered at a soup kitchen when I was in the 5th grade. I gaurantee you if you go and volunteer for the salvation army or any other organization that aides the homeless you will soon find out there aint shit funny about starving or sleepin in an alley.
Please people, check yourselves..and just count your blessing

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