What it do peeps?! First thing's first, as you may or may not know my boy CoulTRAIN is throwin down tonite and just about everyone is invited. If this is the first time ur hearing this go check ur facebook sucka and if there isnt a event invite on ur facebook then find somebody we like that got invited and ask about it! lol...Anyway I'm not gonna dwell on that like I said, check facebook if you want any more details. So what's goin on with me?
Let's see, Last night I kicked it at Taylor's which was pretty good until the random kids took over. Yea yea I know I'm supposed to socialize blah blah blah..well guess what..it wasn't happenin. Those kids to put it nicely, were "interesting". But anyway after that I went with CoulTRAIN to J-money's house to watch Pineapple Express and I FAILED at an attempt for a hug lol. It's all good tho. I'm expectin tonite to be dope and it better be..If not then hey, I guess my high school classmates just prove the rumors about them sucking haha..I dont even know what to expect..I wanna be optimistic but optimism in Cleveland leads to heartbreak...
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