I'm at a pivotal point in my life and I feel like I can never find answers. I have been a student since the age of five. Constantly going to class and learning different things that were said to help me in my future. I am now 19 goin on 20 living a life with more "scheduled" classes in the future and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of "learning" and I jus want to start "doing". Degrees are overrated. As dumb as it sounds, yea yea I know nobody will trust me to preform sugery on them without first obtaining my degree but that's not what im talking about. I don't want THAT life, fuck it, I dont want any life in which I have to follow a scripted path to get there. I hate school. "Well why do you go?" Well for obvious reasons, one being that my parents tell me to DUH..Another being if you don't go to school it seems people look at you differently and start making assumptions. Well quite frankly I really couldnt care less anymore, school is waaaay too boring and waaay too expensive for me to force myself to go just because it is "expected" of me...I'm pissed right now and I need some direction
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