LOL alrite alrite i know the pic is soft hahaha..For those of you who don't know in the picture above is myself (HeartlessMARC of course) Scotty P and the big homie C Quigz.. So why do I have this picture up? Good question, even better answer-> SUNDAY IS D-DAY..the official Cleveland2Chicago mixtape will begin production and should be distributed by the time you lil nerds pack up and go back to college to be doctors, lawyers blah blah blah like ur parents..Anyway like I have stated time after time again, we are not fuckin around. This mixtape will be fiya but dont take my word for it...download it yourselves. The mixtape should be realeased under the DJ-ing of my boy Telly Telz (aka The Tellicopter) I jus need to holla at him so stay tuned.
In other news YES, im still in Jersey and YES it still does suck here..lol I'll be back in due time tho..and you guys better clear some space on those ipods...
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