Hey guys what's goin? I know, I know..Long time no talk, well I'm here now and ready to fight procrastination and get back on this thing. So alot has happened since my last post but one thing in particular has been on my mind for the past few days. One of my JCU friends Jay (The Main Attraction lol) Campara, will been having a week-long yes, WEEK-LONG birthday celebration in his home state of Florida this coming August. After hearing the details on it my mind immediately went into "kid on christmas eve" mode and I can't stop thinking about it and wishing the trip was tomorrow!!
Along with my excitement came the realization that I have alotta things to do in order to make sure I'm ready when August actually does roll around. While it seems like torture to have to wait 7 months for this vacation, it is also a very good thing that I have this trip on my mind so well in advance due to the fact that my prep list will take some time to complete. First thing's first, MONEY.. Since I do not plan to hitchhike there or die from a lack of shelter and/or starvation ima need to start saving up some funds! I know how lazy I can be with certain things but this is a MUST. I'm guessing I'll need to store away atleast 1,500 (excluding travel fare) for this trip... which will be no easy" task.
Since money is my main concern at this point (and rightfully so) I guess my next concern could be listed as problem 1A. Anybody who can put 2 and 2 together realizes that with summer and warm weather comes beaches, and lots of time spent at them. Now I am in no way what-so-ever embarassed to get into swimwear. Trust me, I take care of myself BUT..I want to make sure I've progressed nicely in my "new year's resolution" by then. I'll use this halfway mark of the calender as a "midterm test" so to speak, in my year long endeavor. Besides I'm a HAPPILY taken guy with a wonderful girlfriend who will be joining me on this trip so I'm not gonna be there tryna impress any broads..I'm doing this myself and MY goals...and I'm sure Brooke wouldn't mind me gettin muscle anyway haha
So all in all, I'm excited but, I see a somewhat long road of work ahead before me and my people's are fist pumpin all night long..

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