YES, this post is gonna be all about her so if you're not in the mood to hear about a beautiful woman who has opened my mind and heart to a thing called love and happiness then come back and read the blog tomorrow haters.
The point of this post isn't to brag (though I'm sure I will a little bit =] ), it's to inform you about a very important part of my life which, was previously somewhat in obscurity. Alot of you guys know I have a girlfriend but you don't really "know" much about her so if you wanna be lifted from your pit of ignorance read on..
First and foremost, NO I have not been hiding her or anything. The reason many of you have not met her yet is due to the fact that she lives in Baltimore, Maryland. That's right, a long distance relationship. OHHHH NOOO!! Those things never work! You're gonna be single in a month tops!! LOL thanks haters, I already know what you're thinking so I just went ahead and typed it for you. I'm not even gonna address this issue to be frank. What it eventually amounts to is an argument on faith between a Christian and an Atheist. Nobody "wins", you just wait and see. So while you say long distance never works I say "Love always finds a way". But I digress, back to Brooke..

She a really fun person as you can tell^^ lol and I find that extremely underrated in relationships now-a-days. You wanna always make sure you are friends with someone before you get together. if you two can't just hangout or do fun things and laugh together, do you really think "oh I think she's so sexy!!" is really gonna make that relationship last or even be meaningful? Brooke is hands down the nicest person I know ( and I know some nice people!). I guess it's kinda necessary though since I'm an asshole together we balance out lol.
She is a receptionist by day and a very talented singer/songwriter/musician by night. I can dig it too. You guys already know I love music so it was just icing on the cake, not to mention she actually watches football and UFC *fist pump* lmao. Don't just take my word for it take a listen:
Performing her Original song "Alot to Hide"
She is a driving force in my life and honestly couldn't have come to me at a better time than when she did. I was on a downward slope during the second half of 2009 but she helped me realize a lot of things and helped me "mature" so I thank her and honestly look up to her if that makes sense. Like I said before she is a real cool person and a kind and understanding one. Believe me there are times where I thought she was really gonna flip on me but she simply asks "Is everything okay baby?". Idk why I'm the lucky bastard she fell for but I am NOT complaining lol. Ima just assume I actually lucked out in life for once.

So even though I could just go on forever praising her and making this post the longest one in history, I'm not. What I will do is encourage you guys to find out how great she is for yourselves. Like I said before yes, we do live 6 hours apart but, we do visit each other from time to time and I can assure you she will be here in Cleveland sometime very soon. When she is here you will have plenty of time to hangout with us and get drunk lol but, in the meantime if you wanna talk to her go ahead and add her on facebook, she's extremely friendly and wouldn't mind at all. Just click on the name of the girl it says im in a relationship with and "add as friend" for all you dummies out there haha. Don't be creeps please...I'd hate to have to "handle" somebody cuz they were talkin slick to her.
When I officially know when she'll be coming for a visit I'll let you guys know. Until then go say "hi" don't be shy!! =]
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