It's a new year which means time for a fresh start. Every year people make resolutions to better themselves in some way or another with many of them failing or giving up on their goals by March. I am no exception to this rule and this year I am more determined than ever to accomplish my goal! (lol I say that every year). So what is my resolution? I want to stop swearing and become a much better friend to everyone in my life. I want to treat everyone with love and respect and end my negative attitudes..
hahahhahaha, fooled you guys didn't I? "I want to stop swearing and become a much better friend to everyone in my life" <-- how dumb and unrealistic does that sound? I've been a smart-ass all my life and I'm not stopping now! Well now that I got that lil joke outta my system here's my actual new year's resolution/ goal.
By year's end I would like to weigh 190 lbs. Yes, you read that correctly my goal is to successfully complete a weight GAIN diet. I've had so many people say to me "Marc WTF is a weight GAIN diet? Just eat more...why don't you gain weight?!"...Ahhh I love my astute friends. Anyway weight gain is not as simple as "eat more". It's what you eat, how you eat, when you eat and how often along side with steady exercise. My goal is to become 190 and maintain a muscular build, not to just add fat lol.
Why would someone need a weight gain diet?
Some people have a hard time naturally putting on weight due to many factors. Two very important factors are metabolism and body type.
What is metabolism and body type, and how can you combat them?
Simply put, a person's metabolism determines how fast they burn calories, which in turn determines how easily they gain weight or lose it. I personally have a high metabolism meaning I burn calories at a rapid rate meaning I need to consume even MORE calories (food/nutrients) to compensate for those burned thus, allowing for weight gain.
As far as body types go there are three different categories and for each different approaches should be taken in order to achieve that "dream" look.
An Endomorph's biggest concern should be the losing of fat and adopting a lifestyle that keeps it off. Strength training should be done to get a better muscle to fat ratio and therefore improve metabolism. Use moderate weights at a fast training pace (very little rest between sets and exercises). You should lower your calorie intake (but not try to starve yourself) and should eat frequent but small meals. Sugars, sweets and junk food should be eliminated from your diet. Engage daily in some activity like brisk walking, biking, etc., and try to increase the amount of time you spend each week.
A Mesomorph has a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it they should exercise and diet corretly for their type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be carefull not to overdo it. You should train with moderate to heavy weighs and at a moderate pace, not resting too long between sets. You will find you gain muscle quite easy (some women and even men might not want to get too bulky, but this won't happen suddenly. When you are happy with your muscle size simply train to maintain it). Stick to a good healthy diet to keep you lean and muscular, and watch for any slow creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, sports, etc. but do not overdo.
Ectomorphs should concentrate on gaining weight in the form of good lean muscle tissue (some women that are too thin may also want to put on a little fat to look more feminine). Weight training should be done but not too often or for too long each session. Weight should be fairly heavy and workout pace slower (longer rest periods between sets). Diet should be high in calories (good quality food not junk) and you should eat more then you're used to and often. Aerobic and other activities (sports, dancing, etc.) should be kept to a minimum, at least until you are happy with your weight and looks.
All information above courtesy of http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker3.htm
From the given description above me myself would be an ectomorph thus, comes me need to consume a large amount of (healthy) calories along with intense workouts.
Who is a famous ectomorph to go through such a transformation?
Well I'm glad you asked. One very famous ectomorph to follow a rigorous weight gain diet and workout plan is none other than the American Woman's favorite Warewolf Taylor Lautner.
Check it out:
He went from


Now as much as it pained me to search for pictures of this guy being the heterosexual man I am, it was to prove a point. It CAN be done with hard work and dedication. I'll just end this post with a little quotation from Taylor himself on the subject
"I had to eat every two hours.Seriously, I’d wake up and my trainer would say, “You need to have six egg whites, and bacon and toast and…” It became a lot, so that was the hardest part. "
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