It seems that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It's a law of science, so why wouldn't it be a law of life in general. Whenever there is happiness there always seems to be sorrow not too far away. Whenever there is a sense of pride there's always a sense of disgust. When there is LOVE, there is PAIN. Everything works in a cycle and everything needs "balance". When there is new life in this world there is always death. Everything is apart of "give and take" in the grand scheme of things.
No, I'm not trippin and no I'm not high right now, I'm seriously trying to bring something to light that has been bugging me for a little while now. I've always had some belief in the existence of this "law" of life but, it hasn't been until recently that I've finally been able to fully grasp the concept. There are a couple of instances that I've come across in the past few days that have fully supported this theory.
Example 1:
A friend of mine recently ended his relationship with his girlfriend and cited reasons to me as to why he did it. Some of the reasons made sense to me and others didn't, anyway I'm not IN their relationship so I can't really form an opinion thus, have to take his word for it, alas I digress. After ending this relationship my friend stated to me that he isn't interested in getting in another one for a little while for the fact that he wants to focus on his own personal progress in life and well being, a notion that I can really respect. So everything is cool right?
Enter: LOVE
Now my friend who just said he wanted to remain single starts to hang out with a female friend of his more often, and though he denies it I can look in his eye and tell there is "love" there. I'm no expert and I'm no relationship specialist (farrrrrr from it) but, I understand emotion and feelings and can tell if someone is in love.
Enter: PAIN
Naturally as my friend starts to pull closer to his new "friend" his ex- girlfriend feels what anyone else would in that given situation; pain. Pain is the great equalizer here. For every smile there is a frown and for every giggle there's a tear. The world can seem so complex at times but, when you really look at it, everything is so simple. The world never changes and human nature doesn't either. Everything repeats itself eventually thus, the circle of life ("life" being not just birth and death) takes place.
Example 2:
This example happened just yesterday and involves myself. This one hit me hard but I knew I could only avoid it for so long. As many of you may or may not know I had a girlfriend for almost 2 years starting after my senior year in high school whom I loved very much. She was my first real girlfriend (don't laugh) and we shared many memories that cant ever be duplicated or replaced. We ended up breaking up before Christmas 2008. At that time I took my "fuck love it leads to heartbreak" stance and swore to remain single for the rest of my life due to "women not being necessary for anything except sex" ( I had a very negative attitude mind you). Since breaking up with my ex we remained off and on friends. Sometimes we'd talk and hangout alot and sometimes we wouldn't but the whole time there always seemed to be "loose strings" and feelings for each other left in the air.
Enter: LOVE
I was not a fan. I hated the word, I hated the idea. Love was something that brought false hope and Pain. I wanted to avoid it at all costs. When me and my friends went out places, when I went to the mall even when I went to the grocery store I walked around with my heart "closed". wasn't interested. Funny thing about Love though is that it doesn't care if you're "ready" it comes around when it's "ready". I met my soon to be girlfriend in June of 2009. I denied liking her for months. I told myself it wasn't possible she's just "some chick". It didn't work.
Everyday from then on when I saw my ex's face I knew of the storm brewing inside. We'd hang out and she'd say things like "If you ever fall someone, please tell me. I can handle it" but, I knew she couldn't "handle it". How could you expect someone who loved you more than anyone to "handle" you falling for someone else? So I kept it to myself. I had to.. Recently my new girlfriend and I made our relationship official. My heart defeated my head.
Enter: PAIN
Yesterday I knew I had to do something. I had just spent New Year's with my girlfriend and I needed to put things to rest. My ex texted asking to why I hadn't spoken to her in a few days, she asked me if I had been spending time with someone else. I had to tell her now. The Painful conversation lasted 3 hours and words were muffled through her sobbing and crying. I felt like shit. But how could I? We had been broken up for over a year! I broke up with her! How could I feel guilty?
Pain is Love, Joy is Sorrow and Pride is Disgust. Everything has balance and nothing is avoidable. Everything happens for a reason and not everything makes sense. Love is ineffable so any explanation would be inadequate.
That whole post may have just been a load of jibberish and I may have just wasted 2 hours of my life trying to collect my thoughts and compose that. If so, then so be it. I will touch back on this subject at a later date though. This concept intrigues me.
I really hope this isn't true. Love doesn't happen that fast. it never has. It never will. Infatuation yes, but love, no. never. it's been proven that it never works.
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